We're Back!
Okay, we still don't have my new mic yet... I've found a solution that's just as good! Sure, this one is a little rough (it was totally off the cuff, no scripts)... but it sure does sound good (from an audio quality standpoint).
A husband and wife team in Columbia, SC (a.k.a. “The Motherland”) who comment on everything they see, hear, and experience throughout the week.
Few comments:
1) When XX said she'd be devasted for a couple years and the XY replied with "Hmm," that was like the most wrong response to that possible. I laughed for five minutes. :)
2) I totally disgaree with the first time being awkward. I've had some really great, well-oiled (no pun intended) first times.
3) I have nothing in my medicine cabinet to hide. If they don't like my razor or my Drakkar, f 'em. As for rifling through their purse, I personally don't want to know what's in there.
4) I wore a tie with pink in it to my on-site meeting, and I had women walking up to me only to comliment that tie. I'm not sure what to make of that. (I like 80s and some 90s REM. Don't hate.)
5) The baby in the bar thing had me thinking. Babies are pretty much the end of your night life for several years. I talked to my mom about it. She said once or twice, when a babysitter backed out, they drug me along. Maybe that explains something about me...
6) "Stuck-Stuck?" That's almost as bad as "Teddybear." You're getting a stern look if I ever guest-speak and you drop that crap. ;)
6:13 PM
Woo-Hoo!! Thanks for the comments. Here are some replies in no particular order:
What good would I be in a Podcast if I couldn’t offer honest (and probably inappropriate) comments and replies?
I’m not sure where the XX is getting your nicknames from. I’ll have her appropriately reprimanded.
For whatever reason, chics love pink ties (so I’ve heard). All my ties are Black, Blue, Red, Yellow, and two new Orange additions… no pink.
I think we’re going to attempt our first live podcast tomorrow. How did the audio sound on this podcast?
--The XY!
10:27 PM
V. entertaining, as usual. audio sounds fine. however, some feedback is necessary to promote discussion:
1. yeah, what's up with the "hmmm..." response? it's stuff like this that make me convinced you, XY, are married to the most understanding and laid-back woman ever in the history of the human race. any hubby that ever replied with that would get a big slap upside his head from VB.
2. before i forget--XX, honey, I am scared of you! 135! holy s--t! maybe i should hire you to be my personal trainer....note to self: never mess with XX under any circumstances.
3. i agree w/stuckey--first times are usually pretty hot in my experience...then again, i am apparently bad in bed, so who am i to say that?
4. as far as men rifling through my purse is concerned, i really don't have anything to hide. nothing very exciting.just my wallet, cell and several lipsticks. maybe some smokes. if they can't handle seeing a condom or a tampon, they aren't ready to be in an adult relationship and better to find out now, IMHO. And i forgot to mention that i do not give the bathroom test w/o their knowledge. i announce it ahead of time, but i do not tell them what i'm looking for. only that i have to look around in their bathroom. the guy is usually present when i give the test, because i need explanations for the presence of some items (lotion, for example). so i'm not snooping. so get your paws off my purse!
5.i have no opinion about pink ties. pink pants, yes. pink ties, no. and pink shirts, like seersucker, can only be pulled off by guys with certain personalities (life-of-the-party types with an extremely self-depricating sense of humor).
6. stuck-stuck? XX, even I know better than that! it probably just slipped out, right?
Please contact my agents re: guest appearances/joint ventures. my people are excited to do a project with your people.
10:51 AM
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