A husband and wife team in Columbia, SC (a.k.a. “The Motherland”) who comment on everything they see, hear, and experience throughout the week.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day Show

In keeping with tradition of bitching about Valentine’s Day… we had to do a special V-Day Podcast.

--Team Richardson


Blogger Virginia Belle said...

lots of food for thought on this post. i'll try to be brief...

i am enjoying myself as a single girl, but ideally i would like to get married one day. so i guess i've accepted things no matter how they turn out. i don't rely on my dating status as the only source of happiness. that's silly. i'm not bitter. i'm not optimistic. i'm realistic. i don't get my nose all out of joint about V day. why should i? other people deserve to be happy. why should i make them feel bad because i'm bitter? (which i'm not!)

men aren't bitter about being single on valentine's day because they don't value relationships like women do. lots of men just want to get laid, not be in relationships. (conversely, lots of women just want to be in relationships, not necessarily get laid!) if there was a national Get Laid Day, where everyone celebrates getting some action, i think you'd see a lot of bummed out guys!

XY, she sounds serious about that whole ice pick thing. i think you've been warned...

i have never peed myself accidentally. ever. not laughing, not puking, not while beating guts, nothing. knock on wood. but that is a funny story!

and there are plenty of men who are only approved for the $50k house and yet try and try and try to buy mansions! it goes both ways. great analogy. but how do you know what kind of house you are? there should be appraisers!
i mean, all the Joe Dirts of the world think they are just God's gift! someone needs to break it to them!

re: going out in nice pumps only to have them stepped on and to have drinks spilled on you. I have now met two guys this way. it can be a good thing. besides, i like to look nice. it makes me feel more confident. that goes a long way when you are talking to hot strangers. plus, you never know when you will run into an ex.

but i know what you mean. i bet your shoes are in a lot better condition than mine!

re: Olympics. why not just put the TV on mute when ice skating is on?

also, not everyone watches ice skating. i hate watching the olympics. i have never watched them for more than 5 mins before getting bored and changing channels. although, i will watch some of the summer games. they are more interesting, i think.

entertaining as always, guys! although, my coworkers look at me funny when i'm listening to you. i just tell them it's a radio show i like. hee hee...

4:32 PM

Blogger Stuck said...

On the "happy being single" bit...

This is something I gave a lot of thought to yesterday. I think, in most cases, it's a lie that single people tell themselves, because they want to believe it. In other cases, such as mine I've decided, it's true. But just because I am happy being single, does NOT mean I can't be happier if I'm with someone.

5:39 PM


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